The Winner
And The Winner is… The survey results are finally in
I had four illustrators to choose from. It was relatively easy to reduce that number to two. But then it got really hard. Both illustrators are true artist and been very attentive to details. Friends and family gave mixed feedback, so I needed to collect more serious data.
Which one would you have chosen?
Interesting is that the difference between all respondents compared to the group that at least has bought 1 children’s picture book in the last 5 years is not significant different at all. Both illustrations are perceived similar professional made, which is great. But in all other areas the data shows a clear winner!
And the winner is….
Have a look at the breakdown of the individual questions.
Curious why people picked illustration A? Here is what people said why they love illustration A:
- Great bright, gender neural colors- positive and sunny
- Great setting and perspective of Enna (close-up)
- Facial expression very thoughtful, it perfectly conveys Enna’s annoyance about sleep time
- It’s so lovely how the activities ant thoughts of her day are illustrated and seem to come from her imagination
- Illustration leaves room for imagination – thoughts are open not limited
- Has a whimsical nature
- Very creative and artistic
- Enna looks like the girls next door, girls can identify with
- Bright and vibrant
I’m so excited to work with this artist. I will keep you updated once the first pages will come in.